Monday, April 2, 2012

Reflection - Google Document

I really like using Google Document. Before this class, I had never heard about Google Document. I mainly used Microsoft Word or PowerPoint for my projects. However, after learning how to use Google Document, I realized that it is not difficult to use. Also, I found it to be a very useful tool for both students and teachers. Unlike Microsoft Word, Google Documents allow people to share the document so that more than one person can be working on it at the same time. This is very helpful for students because finding time to work on projects with other students can be difficult. For teachers, Google Document is also helpful because all students can work on the same assignment at one time on the same document. This is nice for teachers because all the responses are all compiled together. As a result, they do not have to take the time to go through all the individual papers that would have been turned in if it was not utilized. Having used Google Document, I would definitely continue utilizing it in the future both as a student and as a teacher. As a student, I will use it when I need to work on group projects, and as a teacher, I will use it to get feedback from my students on a lesson/activity, or as a way for them to share their thoughts/ideas about a book, field trip, etc. 

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